From Big Apple to Emerald City: A Comprehensive Cost of Living Comparison by City


Are you thinking of moving from the Big Apple to the Emerald City? Before making a life-changing decision like that, it is important to have a clear idea of the cost of living comparison between the two cities. Moving can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be stressful if you're not sure whether or not it makes financial sense for you.

That's why we've put together a comprehensive cost of living comparison by city so that you can make an informed decision about whether moving to Seattle is the right choice for you. Our study covers crucial areas such as housing costs, transportation, heating bills, and groceries, among others.

Don't make the mistake of assuming that both cities are the same - the cost of living in Seattle is different from New York. Learn what differences to expect with our study. At the end of the day, our goal is to give you a clear understanding of how much it costs to live in Seattle compared to New York, so that you can make an informed decision about which city will be home for you.

So go ahead and read the full comparison article from start to finish. Understanding and analyzing the data provided could save you thousands of dollars each year. Whether you decide to move or stay put, our cost of living comparison will be a valuable tool in planning for and achieving your financial goals.


The cost of living is an essential element that directly affects one's decision-making process in terms of relocating to a different city or country. Individuals look for cities that are cost-effective and offer a high quality of life. From Big Apple to Emerald City: A Comprehensive Cost of Living Comparison by City, aims to provide an overview of the expenses associated with living in two prominent cities – New York City and Seattle. This article presents a comparison of these two cities based on various factors such as housing, transportation, food, and entertainment costs.


Housing is one of the most significant components that contribute to the cost of living. In New York City, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is around $3,000 per month, whereas in Seattle, it is approximately $1,900 per month. However, the cost of buying a house in Seattle is higher compared to New York City. The median home price in Seattle is $773,508, whereas in New York City, it is $652,745. Thus, New York City is slightly less expensive when it comes to renting an apartment, but Seattle is cost-effective when it comes to home-buying.


Transportation expenses are another factor that contributes to the cost of living. New York City has an extensive public transportation system, making it easy for people to get around. The cost of a monthly unlimited metro card is $127. In Seattle, the public transport system is much smaller, and the monthly transit pass costs around $99. However, the cost of owning a car is almost equivalent in both cities. The average cost of gas in Seattle is slightly higher than in New York City, while other expenses like insurance and maintenance cost almost the same.


The cost of food is one of the essential factors that contribute to the overall cost of living. In New York City, a meal in an inexpensive restaurant costs around $20, whereas a meal for two people at a mid-range restaurant costs around $70. In Seattle, a meal in an inexpensive restaurant costs around $18 and for two people at a mid-range restaurant costs approximately $60. The cost of groceries in Seattle is slightly more expensive than in New York City. Thus, when it comes to eating out, Seattle is less expensive, but daily groceries cost slightly more.


Entertainment expenses include anything from going to movies or a concert to visiting museums or galleries. In New York City, entertainment costs can add up quickly, with movie tickets costing around $16 per person, and visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art costing $25 per person. In Seattle, movie tickets cost around $13 per person, and visiting the Seattle Art Museum costs $22 per person. However, Seattle offers more natural attractions such as hiking, which is a free activity. Thus, entertainment costs are similar in both cities, but Seattle offers some free attractions to balance it out.


New York City is a fashion hub, and thus, it is no surprise that clothing costs are higher in this city. On average, a pair of jeans costs around $70, while a summer dress costs around $60. In Seattle, a pair of jeans is around $50, while a summer dress costs approximately $40 on average. Thus, clothing costs are less expensive in Seattle compared to New York City.


Taxes are another factor that can make a significant difference in the cost of living. New York City has one of the highest state and local tax burdens in the United States. The average tax rate is approximately 11.6%. In contrast, Seattle has a lower tax rate of 9.5%. Thus, Seattle offers a more favorable tax environment for individuals looking to relocate.


Healthcare expenses are another significant factor when it comes to calculating the cost of living. In New York City, the cost of healthcare is relatively higher than in Seattle. The average cost of health insurance is around $983 per month in New York City, while it is around $840 per month in Seattle. However, both cities have excellent healthcare facilities with some of the best hospitals in the country.


For individuals with children or planning to pursue higher education, education costs are an important consideration. Both New York City and Seattle have excellent educational institutions, including universities and colleges. The cost of education in New York City is slightly higher because of its reputation as the education hub of the country. However, both cities offer top-quality education institutions.


In conclusion, relocating to a different city requires thorough research and planning, especially when it comes to the cost of living. This article provides a comprehensive comparison for two prominent cities, New York City and Seattle, based on various factors such as housing, transportation, food, entertainment, clothing, taxes, healthcare, and education. Both cities have their pros and cons, and the decision between them ultimately depends on an individual's preferences, needs, and budget.

Table Comparison:

Factors New York City Seattle
Housing $3,000 (rent) / $652,745 (buy) $1,900 (rent) / $773,508 (buy)
Transportation $127 (monthly metro card) $99 (monthly transit pass)
Food $20 (inexpensive restaurant meal) / $70 (mid-range restaurant meal for 2) $18 (inexpensive restaurant meal) / $60 (mid-range restaurant meal for 2)
Entertainment $16 (movie ticket) / $25 (museum admission) $13 (movie ticket) / $22 (museum admission)
Clothing $70 (pair of jeans) / $60 (summer dress) $50 (pair of jeans) / $40 (summer dress)
Taxes 11.6% 9.5%
Healthcare $983 per month (health insurance) $840 per month (health insurance)

Dear valued blog visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read our comprehensive cost of living comparison between the Big Apple and Emerald City. We have taken great care in compiling the data and providing you with an accurate portrayal of the cost of living in these two major cities.

We understand that choosing where to live can be a difficult decision, especially when considering the financial aspect. Our hope is that this article has provided you with valuable insights and considerations to help make your decision easier. However, we also suggest conducting further research and consulting with professionals to ensure you are making the best choice for your personal circumstances.

Thank you again for visiting our blog and we hope you continue to find our content informative and helpful.

From Big Apple to Emerald City: A Comprehensive Cost of Living Comparison by City

People Also Ask:

1. What cities are compared in this cost of living comparison?

In this cost of living comparison, we compare the cities of New York City and Seattle.

2. What factors are taken into consideration when comparing the cost of living?

Several factors are taken into consideration when comparing the cost of living in two cities, including housing costs, transportation expenses, food prices, utility bills, healthcare costs, and entertainment expenses.

3. Which city is more expensive to live in, New York City or Seattle?

According to our cost of living comparison, New York City is generally more expensive to live in than Seattle. Housing costs, food prices, and transportation expenses are all higher in New York City compared to Seattle.

4. Is it possible to live on a budget in either city?

Yes, it is possible to live on a budget in both New York City and Seattle. However, you may need to make some sacrifices and compromises in terms of your lifestyle and living arrangements. For example, living in a smaller apartment or sharing a living space with roommates can help reduce your housing costs.

5. Can I use this cost of living comparison to determine which city is better for me?

While this cost of living comparison can provide valuable information about the differences between living in New York City and Seattle, it ultimately depends on your individual preferences and priorities. You should also consider other factors such as job opportunities, weather, and cultural attractions before making a decision about which city to live in.